Tag Archives: log cabin

A New Tradition


Throughout my husband and my life together we have had a few Christmas trees. Each has had their own story. Each was special in its own way.

Our first tree was given to us by my grandmother. It was special because it had seen many years already in her home. When we were first married we were dirt poor just like many others. We were high school sweethearts who married young. But we were poor without knowing it. We were “living on love” and relishing our new life together (and figuring out how to live together) Okay, it really wasn’t all roses, and I didn’t really relish every day… but you get what I mean. During this time I hand painted all our ornaments, You know, the plaster cheapy ones. But I think I did a pretty good job! I still have some of them today. Our stockings were hung on the wall, not on a mantle. But we made some awesome memories these first few years in front of that tree.

After a while we moved out of that rent house and into our first owned home. It was time for a new tree. That old tree had done its job many years over and it was time for something new. So we saved up and bought our first new tree. I was proud of this one. I personally picked it out and brought her home. This tree moved with us several times and is in fact still with us today. She is special. She has seen three little ones celebrate their first Christmas. Three little ones have decorated her, been in awe of her, and made their own handmade ornaments to adorn her branches.

Then one year we were in between homes. We picked up and moved to a tiny apartment. The tree we loved would not fit in this space that we barely fit into our selves. I have to say this year was not a good one for me. Christmas made me depressed more than it made me happy. I would have done without a tree all together except I had little eyes who would not understand the absence of a tree. But now looking back, that tree is special too. She reminds me of a time when Christmas was not about having lots of materials. Most of our things were in storage including all the decorations I had collected over the years. This year we celebrated being healthy and together knowing this was a year of transition. She is still with us too. This tree now decorates our front porch. Poor thing isn’t even inside worthy anymore! That makes me laugh. But every time I look at her I know we have spent many different kinds of Christmas’ together and we made it through them all. I am proud of that one too.

This bring me to this year. A new tradition in our new life. This year we have picked out a real tree. Our first real tree. She is kind of puny. She isn’t perfectly shaped like all the pretty fake ones. But she has come right off of our farm. She is home-grown for sure. And this tree really sums up this place we have come to in our life. We are not flashy people. Our evenings these days are spent at home watching the fire in our wood burning stove living in our log cabin. It almost seems a crime to not have a real tree don’t you think? All the kids and my husband have been out several times scoping for just the right one. They all worked together to shape her and trim her up to bring her in. Unfortunately this tree will not see many years as the others have. She will be loved and decorated one time. She isn’t made to last but she will help sustain us through the rest of the winter. We will stand beside her embers and warm to her glow as she keeps us warm. Soon Spring will come and a new tree will take root and next year we will go out and pick her out from all the others all over again.


All of these trees have been good to us. We have been blessed! No matter what kind of tree you gather around this year I hope this season brings you happiness. Wether your tree is small, large, fake, real, transitional, old, fancy, or homespun… I hope your home is full of love and your tree helps bring your family many memories this Christmas Season.

First Snow


1483287_10200445386411823_302568692_nWe got our first snow last night here in our new home. I have been waiting and hoping for this day! It was a treat, because it is rare in Oklahoma to get a snow this early in the winter. We woke up to a beautiful sight! I wanted to share our winter wonderland with you. This is the view outside our bedroom window.



Since our bedroom is on the second level we are at eye level with the tree tops. I loved laying in bed watching the snow come down. It is so peaceful out here!

This is one of the many cardinals that visit us daily. What a site with the white background! Today I counted 7 along with the other many winter birds that love to share our home.



The kids played outside. My 3 year old didn’t last long. It is pretty to look at but with single digit wind chills it isn’t long before she decided it was too cold for her. It has been a great day. I made a pot of chili and the wood burning stove has been keeping us warm all day. I am going to enjoy this because there is no way to know if and when the next snow will arrive.


Home sweet Home



We have been at our new home for a week now. In that short amount of time I have learned so much! I thought I would share our week adventure with you.

1. FAMILY means TEAM. Day ONE we woke up and my husband was going to take the Uhaul back. It was very cold and somewhat icy out. Sounds like no problem right? Wrong! He got it stuck. Well out here this presents a particular problem. You see, there is no one coming to your aid. The nearest neighbor is a long long walk (like 20 acres). What you see is what you have. And guess what that is? ME! So I bundled up and out the door I went to help get us unstuck. The thing I learned is that we have to work together like never before. There is no point in getting frustrated with one another. We were each others solution. Together we worked and got that monster out of here. Never mind that we took out a tree and tore up the drive a bit.

2. You are forced to slow down. We got iced in. In Oklahoma you rarely get snowed in. But to be “iced” in is much more common. Well there aren’t any salt trucks coming this way. Here we are forced to wait for things to melt. But how nice it is to have no choice but to kick up your feet and enjoy time!


3. I have taken up a new hobby. Bird watching. Yeah, you heard me right! The previous owners built a really nice bird feeder (in truth it is huge). I have some of the most beautiful birds come see our home every day. They are amazing! Cardinals, blue jays, red robins… it goes on and on. I love to sit on the porch or at the table and watch these creatures fly in and out.


4. The learning curve is short and you need to be a quick learner. Here we use a cast iron wood burning stove for our main source of heat. I had one morning to learn to build a fire. The next day it was all me… alone… to get this house heated up for the day. I have to say, I have become a good fire starter. This feature of our home is one of my very favorite. But you can’t just touch a button and feel the flame. Creating a fire is a new art.  We have even roasted marshmallows and hot dogs right inside our home. Talk about easy dinner that the kids love!


And that was just in one week! I I wonder what the days to come will teach me? I face them with excitement and a little trepidation. But here we are! Home sweet Home!

Phase 4


Big things are on the horizon for our family… again. We are trying to place the final piece of the puzzle. I call it phase four.

Phase 1. Sell our home. We jumped right in and sold our house in as little as four weeks. I will let you see the previous post to know why we started this journey.

Phase 2. Move to interim home. Again I will refer to earlier posts for the not so pretty details of this.

Phase 3. Quit my job. Well, not quit but change my status to work-when-I-want. This came a little early because of the need to home school the kids because said interim home was not in a good school district. But believe me, any reason to turn in the pager and work on my terms is a great thing. I have been in this state for a couple of months now. I can not tell you how liberating and wonderful it has been. Homeschooling the kids has not been easy. But I have enjoyed the time together.

And now Phase 4. Buy new house. Yay! After living in such close proximity to one another we welcome the chance to move to a new bigger home. And what a change this home will bring. Exactly what we have been looking for. First off, I think instead of city girl I will be turning into pioneer woman! It is a beautiful log cabin home. That’s right LOG CABIN.


(not our actual home but you get the idea *wink*)

This retreat is nestled in the woods with several acres of room to roam. It comes complete with a fishing hole, creek, amazing garden and room to have livestock. WOW. This is going to take some getting used to! No more pizza delivery. A trip to the grocery store will be a “trip into town”. I look forward to the change, but I am not sure if we know what we are getting ourselves into. You could say we have nervous excitement.

I will not be churning butter (at least not anytime soon)


but I hope to start living a healthy more self sustaining lifestyle. Stay posted as I am sure there will be many adventures to write about soon!